The Bright Future For Physiotherapy & Physiotherapist
Physiotherapy can do Miracles not only for patients ie making a paralysed walk, making life pain free, improving the performance of athletes but also Physiotherapy makes miracles in the life of a physiotherapist by giving him a name, fame and respect in the society.
Currently, Physiotherapy is going through a phase where it is transforming from an unorganised, unskilled, unknown non-professional sector to a well-organized, super specialises, well-accepted professional sector.
Still, Physiotherapy is facing some problems which I am listing below, maybe I leave some of them please mention them in the comment section.
- Little recognition in the society.
- Underbar respect to the therapist as compared to other doctors.
- Overpopulated non-professional posing as a therapist.
- Absence of central council.
- Absence of a strong and effective association.
- Unhealthy competition among fellow therapist.
- Low beginning salaries for the freshers.
- Minimal research work for professional development.
- Underqualified people posing as trainers for continued professional development and asking for big money for workshops.
- Bargain over the professional charges of the service.
- It’s not that it’s just Physiotherapy profession facing problems every profession has some challenges involved with it but where there is a problem there is a solution also.
What could be the solution to the above problems that our profession is facing?
The best solution to these problems is you and me ie a physiotherapist himself.
Once a physiotherapist starts believing in himself, builds confidence our his profession and start believing in people those are running their association everyone will start feeling the change. Every individual physiotherapist will have to play his or her own role in awareness, promotion and spreading positive words for physiotherapy.
People who are working for the association has even more responsibility towards this as a big position comes with a big responsibility. Leaving their personal interest, little benefits and favours each individual on any post has to perform or perish.
In a few years, I have seen changes that are there in every aspect. Every physiotherapist is trying to do their little bit, the association is doing their little bit so the changes are visible in society also.
THANKS to each and every physiotherapist from my side.
What solutions you can think as a solution to all the above problems and any other problem you can list please let me know at my WhatsApp 9810559086.