Sports Physiotherapy & Treatment
Sports Physiotherapy is a specialization of physiotherapy, which is aimed at all those who perform a sports practiced regularly, either within a basic, amateur, delight and / or sports-health practice.
In this case, the function of Physic Sport, will be the implementation of treatment by physical agents such as electrotherapy, thermotherapy (heat), manual therapy, hydrotherapy and therapeutic exercises in different special techniques to focus their objectives, intended solely for recovery and sports rehabilitation of the injured patient.
You must have knowledge both anatomical, physiological, such as pathomechanical knowledge of sports injury. This conduct from a physician Diagnostic Checks (normally Traumatology), a protocol and a proper exercise and customized treatment to each case therapeutically tables.
I emphasize stress the utmost importance, I priority by the physiotherapist, inciter in preventing injuries athlete, creating as we have mentioned above, a protocol customized to each treatment, as well as specific treatment pre-competition and immediately post competition.
Currently, the Sports Physiotherapist is integrated into the technical staff of clubs i sports teams, as well as pavilions, swimming pools, gymnasia i private centers liberal exercise.
Physiotherapist must recover the functionality of the athlete as soon as possible, accelerating the biological processes of recovery from injury limiting his training as little as possible and ensuring that it be reinstated with greater assurance of success.
Sports Physiotherapy objectives:
- Disclosure: advising the sports population and professionals related to it, carrying out actions that contribute to improving the conditions of avoidance of injury the athlete.
- PREVENTION: being alert to avoid as much as possible all those factors that could injuries from sports in general and the each particular sport, associated injuries and / or primary lesion appear, and possible recurrence.
- RECOVERY: around trying those caused injury, associated lesions and recurrences appear, trying to adapt to the athlete of his sport in the shortest possible time.
- REHABILITATION: Following the recovery phase, we will put all the knowledge in getting the athlete begins its sport in the most appropriate physical conditions, and as similar as possible to those presented before his injury.
- Teaching
- Research; conducting field studies that contribute to expand i perfect knowledge of Sports Physiotherapy.
Are used to improve muscle conditions of the athlete, avoiding large overloads, using sports massage to relax or tone (depending on when the session realize, or if there is competition in sight, if you have finished the competition etc), in addition to performing and maneuvers to locate the desired effect.
In this way we will avoid to the maximum the risk of injury, improve athletic performance by getting the muscles in the best possible conditions, we will increase the elasticity and muscle flexibility, improve adaptation to the effort, in addition to the positive effects on mood and psychological the athlete.
There have that these could be avoided through proper prevention and other guidelines. Usually these injuries are caused by several factors such as poor planning in training, using techniques bad deficit exercise muscle strengthening, for additional overload overspending.
Objectives Treatment of injuries:
- Treat own injuries in each sport
- Decrease recurrences or possible relapse of the injury
- Mark patterns of behavior, to facilitate their recovery
Accelerate the most of the biological processes of repair of the lesion
- Retrieve the most functionality of the affected segment in the shortest time possible
- Retrofitting the athlete to return to training later readaptarle the effort.
- Getting a compromise between Athlete and Physiotherapist to optimize so an improvement in treatment, as well as an initiative by the athlete to achieve their goals of recovery.